Message from the presidents


Dear friends,

It is with great pleasure that we accepted to chair the 2017 Golf Swing tournament that will be held on:

Tuesday the 20th of June 2017
at the Hillsdale Golf and Country Club

Over the past 20 years, the proceeds from the golf tournament have benefitted the several programs of the CSUQ.

The Golf Swing tournament is a prestigious and unique event gathering business people from our community as well as their partners and friends. The Golf Swing tournament represents the main fundraising activity for the CSUQ for its youth programs.

We highly encourage you to save the date of June 20th 2017 and to contact Mrs Agnès Castiel for any inquiries and sponsorship opportunities.

We thank you in advance for your continued support.



Patrick Essiminy, Co-Président et Shlomi Levy, Co-Président